Talking to Waze's Former CEO, Founder of Post

On the latest BetaKit podcast, Douglas and I had the good fortune to chat with the former CEO of Waze who's now tackling the problem of news + social media + business models with his new company Post.News. Really dug his approach and way of thinking and we could have gone on a heck of a lot longer and debated a lot more. Have a listen!

Can Waze’s former CEO build a social network from scratch?
Post.News founder Noam Bardin shares what it’s like trying to build a new social network “in public” in 2023 before making a pitch to Canadians in need of news.

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Some good context for this pod can be found in this article and podcast (Elon + Twitter, and Wordpress + Tumblr) from the Verge regarding all the tough decisions a social network owner must make.

Welcome to hell, Elon
Owning Twitter means owning a host of impossible political problems. Is Elon ready?
‎Decoder with Nilay Patel: How WordPress and Tumblr are keeping the internet weird, with Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg on Apple Podcasts
‎Show Decoder with Nilay Patel, Ep How WordPress and Tumblr are keeping the internet weird, with Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg - Mar 15, 2022

Upcoming Events

I'll be helping showcase some up-and-coming AI startups and moderate the final panel at the inaugural All In conference in Montréal next week. If you're in town, say hi!

ALL IN 2023 | Explore Canada’s AI ✨ September 27 & 28 in Montreal
ALL IN is the most important event dedicated to Canadian AI. Discover the latest trends and innovations in the development of AI with high positive impact for society. Early bird rates available now! 🐥